Thursday, March 6, 2008

Back into the Swing!

So yesterday I ran, which normally would not qualify as blog-breaking news, but it is for me. I haven't run since 2-17 (Austin Marathon). That wasn't quite the plan, I had intended to follow this post-race training program, but things didn't work out. The wife caught the flu while I was in Austin and is just getting over it. Not to mention she had a severe sinus infection last weekend that had us back in the emergency room for the second time in a week and a half. School has been incredibly busy and the kids have had a lot of activities for us to attend.

It is always nice to go and run and not have the pressure of following a training program looming over your head. It is nice to run for the fun of it and not worry about all your data and how your legs are responding. Don't let me fool you here, we are talking about :30 minutes on a treadmill, nothing really earth shattering, but still a workout. I broke and sweat and was surprised to find out that I hadn't lost all my fitness.

I am not sure what is next for me as far as races go, but I know that I want to maintain a solid fitness level that will carry me into next year. I head to Miami next week for a law school conference and I am looking forward to dragging my garmin down there and getting in some nice runs.

1 comment:

Damie said...

I have been in that place for a little while too...doing things for the fun of it. It is good to return there from time to time.